Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Free Movement Of Person in EU ( EU LAW ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Free Movement Of Person in EU ( EU LAW ) - Essay Example cle 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) deals with free movement of workers this freedom of movement and residence is also available to the nationals of third countries as envisaged by the Treaty establishing European Community. It is the fundamental right of any one who is legally present in a State to move within the State and the right of residence in that State is but a logical extension of right of movement. The issue sought to be reviewed in this paper is whether the current liberal trend of right of freedom of movement can be reversed in the near future. The EU law on free movement of persons and allied rights which had been scattered on the various treaty provisions, secondary legislations was only recently consolidated into one Act. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) had always felt that rules regarding the free movement of persons in the EU had been narrowly drafted giving no room for the increasing demands of the enlarging Union. The ECJ in its judicial activism reflecting the EU’s objective of ensuring full mobility of persons has at times given decisions contradicting the treaty provisions. Originally, the ECJ had been concentrating on the narrow area of right of workers in regard to freedom of movement. After the introduction citizenship rights in the Union, the court is broadening its approach in safeguarding the rights of free movement of citizens thus resulting in land mark decisions relating to students’ rights, job-seekers and non-union family members. This culminated into the promulgation of Community dir ective 2004/381 which incorporated some of the important decisions of the ECJ in this area. To predict the trend of continuation of these rights, historical background and legal framework in this regards have to be reviewed. Article 2 of the EC envisages that the community should promote economic activities, a high level of employment and social protection, enhancing the standard of living and quality of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
An Overview Of Meningitis
An Overview Of Meningitis Meningitis is swelling and inflammation of the protective membranes that cover brain and spinal cord. Depending on the duration of symptoms, meningitis may be classified as acute or chronic. Acute meningitis denotes the evolution of symptoms within hours to several days, while chronic meningitis has an onset and duration of weeks to months. Meningitis is mainly caused by infection with viruses, several different types of bacteria, or sometimes by a fungus, and less commonly by certain drugs. Meningitis can be life-threatening because of the inflammations proximity to the brain and spinal cord. All types of meningitis tend to cause symptoms that include fever, headache and stiff neck. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or bacterium is important because the severity of illness and the treatment differ depending on the cause. Viral meningitis, the most common form of meningitis, is less severe than bacterial meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is usually more serious than vira l meningitis and is sometimes fatal, particularly in infants and the elderly. Bacterial meningitis is a major cause of death and disability world-wide. [1] b. The etiology and risk factors Meningitis is usually caused by infection from viruses or micro-organisms. Most cases are due to infection with viruses, with bacteria, fungi, and parasites being the next most common causes. It may also result from various non-infectious causes. The etiology of bacterial meningitis varies by age group and region of the world. Worldwide, without epidemics one million cases of bacterial meningitis are estimated to occur and 200,000 of these die annually. [1] Before antibiotics were widely used, 70 percent or more of bacterial meningitis cases were fatal; with antibiotic treatment, the fatality rate has dropped to 15 percent or less. Bacterial meningitis is most common in the winter and spring. Beyond the perinatal period, three organisms, transmitted from person to person through the exchange of respiratory secretions, are responsible for most cases of bacterial meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis bacteria (meningococcal disease) can be fatal and should always be viewed as a medical emergency. About 10% of infected people die from the disease. [5] In non-fatal cases, those affected experience long-term disabilities, such as brain damage, loss of limb, or deafness. Preventing the disease through the use of meningococcal vaccine is important. Although anyone can get meningitis, pre-teens and adolescents, college freshmen who live in dormitories and travelers to countries where meningitis is always present are at an increased risk for meningococcal disease. Before the availability of effective vaccines, bacterial meningitis was most commonly diagnosed in young children. Now, as a result of the protection offered by current childhood vaccines, bacterial meningitis is more commonly diagnosed among pre-teens and young adults. As children reach their pre-teen and adolescent years, protection provided by some childhood vaccines can begin to wear off. As a result, pre-teens and adolescents are at a greater risk for catching certain diseases. Introducing vaccinations during the pre-teen years increases the level of protection during adolescence. College freshmen, especially those who live in dormitories, are at a slightly increased risk for bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis bacteria (meningococcal disease) compared with other persons of the same age. vaccination against bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis bacteria (meningococcal disease) is recommended to persons who travel to or reside in countries in which the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis is hyperendemic or epidemic, particularly if contact with the local population will be prolonged. Meningococcal meningitis, caused by Neisseria meningitidis, is primarily a disease of young children, with the incidence of cases declining in those older than 1 year of age. The disease is most common during winter and spring. In some persons, the bacteria can cause a severe blood infection called meningococcemia. N. meningitidis is classified into serogroups based on the immunological reactivity of the capsular polysaccharide. Although 13 serogroups have been identified, the three serogroups A, B and C account for over 90% of meningococcal disease. [1] Meningococcal disease differs from other leading causes of bacterial meningitis because of its potential to cause large-scale epidemics. A region of sub-Saharan Africa extending from Ethiopia in the East to The Gambia in the West and containing fifteen countries and over 260 million people is known as the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“meningitis beltà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ because of its high endemic rate of disease with superimposed, periodic, large epid emics caused by serogroup A, and to a lesser extent, serogroup C. [1] Haemophilus meningitis is most frequently caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, also known as Hib. Before effective vaccines became available and widely used, Hib was the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in children 5 years of age and younger. While most children are colonized with a species of H. influenzae, only 2-15% harbour Hib. [1] The organism is acquired through the respiratory route. It adheres to the upper respiratory tract epithelial cells and colonizes the nasopharynx. Following acquisition of Hib, illness results when the organism is able to penetrate the respiratory mucosa and enters the blood stream. This is the result of a combination of factors, and subsequently the organism gains access to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), where infection is established and inflammation occurs. An essential virulence factor which plays a major role in determining the invasive potential of an organism is the polysaccharide capsule of Hib. Pneumococcal meningitis, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci), generally strikes infants, the elderly and individuals with certain chronic medical conditions. Younger adults with anatomic or functional asplenia, haemoglobinopathies, such as sickle cell disease, or who are otherwise immunocompromised, also have an increased susceptibility to S. pneumoniae infection. S. pneumoniae, like Hib, is acquired through the respiratory route. Following the establishment of nasopharyngeal colonization, illness results once bacteria evade the mucosal defences, thus accessing the bloodstream, and eventually reaching the meninges and CSF. The term aseptic meningitis refers loosely to all cases of meningitis in which no bacterial infection can be demonstrated. This is usually due to viruses, but it may be due to bacterial infection that has already been partially treated, with disappearance of the bacteria from the meninges, or by infection in a space adjacent to the meninges (e.g. sinusitis). Endocarditis (infection of the heart valves with spread of small clusters of bacteria through the bloodstream) may cause aseptic meningitis. Aseptic meningitis may also result from infection with spirochetes, a type of bacteria that includes Treponema pallidum (the cause of syphilis) and Borrelia burgdorferi (known for causing Lyme disease). Meningitis may be encountered in cerebral malaria (malaria infecting the brain). Fungal meningitis, e.g. due to Cryptococcus neoformans, is typically seen in people with immune deficiency such as AIDS. Amoebic meningitis, meningitis due to infection with amoebae such as Naegleria fowleri, is contracted from freshwater sources. [2] Like bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis can affect anyone but infants younger than 1 month old and people whose immune systems are weak are at higher risk for severe infection. People who are around someone with viral meningitis have a chance of becoming infected with the virus that made that person sick, but they are not likely to develop meningitis as a complication of the illness. Viral meningitis is common and often goes unreported. It is a central nervous system (CNS) infection characterized by signs and symptoms of meningeal inflammation in the absence of positive bacterial cultures. The incidence varies with season, and the clinical presentation often includes fever, headache, and stiffness of the neck accompanied by symptoms typical of the specific causal virus. Viral meningitis is usually self-limited and resolves without treatment, although case reports suggest that treatment is indicated and beneficial in certain clinical scenarios. Viruses that can cause meningitis include enteroviruses, herpes simplex virus type 2 (and less commonly type 1), varicella zoster virus (known for causing chickenpox and shingles), mumps virus, HIV, and LCMV. [3] In the absence of a lumbar puncture, viral and bacterial meningitis cannot be differentiated with certainty, and all suspected cases should therefore be referred. Lumbar puncture and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid may be done primarily to exclude bacterial meningitis, but identification of the specific viral cause is itself beneficial. Viral diagnosis informs prognosis , enhances care of the patient, reduces the use of antibiotics, decreases length of stay in hospital, and can help to prevent further spread of infection. Over the past 20 years, vaccination policies, the HIV epidemic, altered sexual behavior, and increasing travel have altered the spectrum of causative agents. [4] A parasitic cause is often assumed when there is a predominance of eosinophils in the CSF. The most common parasites implicated are Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Gnathostoma spinigerum. Tuberculosis, syphilis, cryptococcosis, and coccidiodomycosis are rare causes of eosinophilic meningitis that may need to be considered. Meningitis may occur as the result of several non-infectious causes: spread of cancer to the meninges (malignant meningitis) and certain drugs (mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and intravenous immunoglobulins). It may also be caused by several inflammatory conditions such as sarcoidosis (which is then called neurosarcoidosis), connective tissue disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus, and certain forms of vasculitis. Epidermoid cysts and dermoid cysts may cause meningitis by releasing irritant matter into the subarachnoid space. Mollarets meningitis is a syndrome of recurring episodes of aseptic meningitis; it is now thought to be caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. Rarely, migraine may cause meningitis, but this diagnosis is usually only made when other causes have been eliminated. [2] c. Pathophisiology d. Clinical signs and symptoms Meningitis infection is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, headache, and stiff neck. It is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia (sensitivity to light) and altered mental status. The symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear quickly or over several days. Typically they develop within 3-7 days after exposure. Infants younger than one month old are at a higher risk for severe infection. In newborns and infants, the classic symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness may be absent or difficult to notice. The infant may appear to be slow or inactive, irritable, vomiting or feeding poorly. In young children, doctors may also look at the childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reflexes, which can also be a sign of meningitis. Although the early symptoms of viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis may be similar, later symptoms of bacterial meningitis can be very severe (e.g., seizures, coma). Viral meningitis is an infection of the meninges (the covering of the brain and spinal cord) that is caused by a virus. Enteroviruses, the most common cause of viral meningitis, appear most often during the summer and fall in temperate climates. Viral meningitis can affect babies, children, and adults. It is usually less severe than bacterial meningitis and normally clears up without specific treatment. The symptoms of viral meningitis are similar to those for bacterial meningitis, which can be fatal. Symptoms of viral meningitis in adults may differ from those in children. Common symptoms in infants include fever, irritability, poor eating and hard to awaken. Common symptoms in adults include high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to bright light, sleepiness or trouble waking up, nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite. The symptoms of viral meningitis usually last from 7 to 10 days, and people with normal immune systems usually recover completely. Symptoms of fungal meningitis are similar to symptoms of other forms of meningitis; however, they often appear more gradually. In addition to typical meningitis symptoms, like headache, fever, nausea, and stiffness of the neck, people with fungal meningitis may also experience dislike of bright lights, changes in mental status, confusion, hallucinations and personality changes. [5] e. Diagnosis and laboratory findings If meningitis is suspected, samples of blood or cerebrospinal fluid are collected and sent to the laboratory for testing. It is important to know the specific cause of meningitis because the severity of illness and the treatment will differ depending on the cause. In the case of bacterial meningitis, for example, antibiotics can help prevent severe illness and reduce the spread of infection from person to person. If bacteria are present, they can be grown (cultured). Growing the bacteria in the laboratory is important for confirming the presence of bacteria and for identifying the specific type of bacteria that is causing the infection. For viral meningitis, the specific causes of meningitis may be determined by tests used to identify the virus in samples collected from the patient. To confirm fungal meningitis, specific lab tests is performed, depending on the type of fungus suspected. e. Therapeutic management of disease, medical treatment, pharmacologic, dietary Bacterial meningitis can be treated with a number of effective antibiotics. It is important that treatment be started early in the course of the disease. If bacterial meningitis is suspected, initial treatment with ceftriaxone and vancomycin is recommended. Appropriate antibiotic treatment of the most common types of bacterial meningitis should reduce the risk of dying from meningitis to below 15%, although the risk is higher among the elderly. [5] There is no specific treatment for viral meningitis. Antibiotics do not help viral infections, so they are not useful in the treatment of viral meningitis. Most patients completely recover on their own within 7 to 10 days. A hospital stay may be necessary in more severe cases or for people with weak immune systems. Fungal meningitis is treated with long courses of high dose antifungal medications. This is usually given using an IV line and is done in the hospital. The length of treatment depends on the status of the immune system and the t ype of fungus that caused the infection. For people with immune systems that do not function well because of other conditions, like AIDS, diabetes, or cancer, there is often a need for longer treatment. g. Teaching self care h. Health promotion strategies to prevent Keeping up to date with recommended immunizations is the best defense. Maintaining healthy habits, like getting plenty of rest and not coming into close contact with people who are sick, can also help. There are two kinds of vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (Menomune) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and available since 1981. Meningococcal conjugate vaccines, Menactra and Menveo, were licensed in 2005 and 2010, respectively. Each vaccine can prevent 2 of the 3 most commonly occurring strains in the US. Meningococcal vaccines cannot prevent all types of the disease, but they do protect many people who might become sick if they didnt get the vaccine. Meningococcal conjugate vaccine is routinely recommended for all 11 through 18 year olds and for certain high-risk children and adults. There are two types of pneumococcal vaccine currently available: a polysaccharide vaccine and a conjugate vaccine. The pneumococcal c onjugate vaccine, PCV7 (Prevnar) was the first pneumococcal vaccine for use in children under the age of 2 years. PCV13 (Prevnar 13), which was licensed in early 2010, replaces PCV7. [5] Pneumococcal vaccines for the prevention of disease among children who are 2 years and older and adults have been in use since 1977. Pneumovax is a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) that is currently recommended for use in adults who are 65 years of age and older, for persons who are 2 years and older and at high risk for pneumococcal disease (including those with sickle cell disease, HIV infection, or other immunocompromising condition), and for persons 19-64 years of age who smoke or have asthma. The Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine is highly effective against bacterial meningitis caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b. The Hib vaccine can prevent pneumonia, epiglottitis, and other serious infections caused by Hib bacteria. It is recommended for all chil dren under 5 years old in the US, and it is usually given to infants starting at age 2 months. Hib vaccine can be combined with other vaccines. People with certain viral infections can sometimes develop meningitis. There are no vaccines for the most common causes of viral meningitis. Thus, the best way to prevent it is to prevent viral infections. However, that can be difficult since sometimes people can be infected with a virus and spread the virus even though they do not appear sick. Following are some steps recommended by CDC [5] to help lower the chances of becoming infected with viruses or of passing one on to someone else: Washing hands thoroughly and often, especially after changing diapers, using the toilet, or coughing or blowing nose. Cleaning contaminated surfaces, such as doorknobs or the TV remote control, with soap and water and then disinfecting them with a dilute solution of chlorine-containing bleach. Avoiding kissing or sharing a drinking glass, eating utensil, lipstick, or other such items with sick people or with others when sick. Making sure of vaccinations. Vaccinations included in the childhood vaccination schedule can protect children against some diseases that can lead to viral meningitis. These include vaccines against measles and mumps (MMR vaccine) and chickenpox (varicella-zoster vaccine). Avoiding bites from mosquitoes and other insects that carry diseases that can infect humans. Controlling mice and rats. There is little evidence that specific activities can lead to developing fungal meningitis, although avoiding exposure to environments likely to contain fungal elements is prudent. People who are immunosuppressed (for example, those with HIV infection) should try to avoid bird droppings and avoid digging and dusty activities, particularly if they live in a geographic region where fungi like Histoplasma, Coccidioides, or Blastomyces species exist. HIV-infected people cannot completely avoid exposure. Some guidelines recommend that HIV-infected people receive antifungal prophylaxis if they live in a geographic area where the incidence of fungal infections is very high.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Business Model Essay -- Business Management Essays
The Business Model Michael Lewis (2000: pages 256-257) scoffed at the whole attempt to formalize the definition of business models when he wrote that â€Å" â€Å"Business Model†is one of those terms of art that were central to the Internet boom: it glorifies all manner of half baked plans. All it really meant was how you planned to make money.†In an abstract of his paper â€Å"A Mesoscopic Approach to Business Models: Nano Research on Management†published in â€Å"Economic Issues in China†Dr. Junyi Weng stated that â€Å"Business Model, a well known important and extensively used term by media, management consultancy and business top managers, is just in an embarrassment that there is no consensus about its definition and few papers in academic periodicals.†He designed and discusses his conception of business models based interfaces interacting in interior and exterior business environments. Peter Weill, Thomas W. Malone, Victoria T. D’Urso, George Herman and Stephanie Woerner of MIT in their paper â€Å"Do Some Business Models Perform Better than others?: A Study of the 1000 Largest US Firms†agree that the concept of business models is while widely discussed is seldom systematically discussed. The paper then proceeds to postulate a conceptual framework for comprehensively classifying business models. These consist of four basic types of business models (Creator, Landlord, Distributor and Broker), which are each broken down into four variants accordance with type of assets they deal in (physical, financial, intangible and human). Thus giving rise to 16 specialised business Model types.†Professor Michael Rappa like many others prefer to present a comprehensive and cogent taxonomy of basic categories as observed on the web as follows: Brokerage Advertising Infomediary Merchant Manufacturer (Direct) Affiliate Community Subscription Utility He however, does not believe that these are exhaustive and expects new and interesting variations in the future. KMLab Inc. offers an interesting definition: â€Å"a Business model is a description of how your company intends to create value in the market place. It includes that unique combination of products, services, image and distribution that your company carries forward. It also includes the underlying organization of people and the operational infrastructure that they use to accomplish their work. In some ways... ...rocesses such as inventory management etc. Maybelline a company founded in 1915 is one of the largest selling color cosmetics line in the United States. Its sells through outlets of almost every major mass-market retailer, such as supermarkets, drugstores, discount stores and cosmetics specialty stores. Its products are also available in over 70 countries worldwide. Maybelline uses a traditional model in its sales distribution network, which is the use of sales representatives to canvass for business and to arrange for sales. The use of sales representatives who are employees makes this a Business-to-Employee-to-Business interface model. In the 1990s the company a traditional â€Å"mortar†company re-invents itself a click and mortar company through the use of ICTs. However, one innovation to the sales representative concept is Maybelline’s use of its representatives as market intelligence reporters, who actually serve as the eyes of the company to monitor the progress of its products and the way they are handled by the retailers as well as progress of competitors’ products. This is the trading/sales structure of the company, which cannot be said to be a new business model.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Power To change An Event In History Essay
Cold War precipitated fifty years of propaganda by two super powers, on-field battles while balancing barrels on others’ shoulders and huge amount of capital investment to manufacture weapons. An even in history that could have easily averted the Cold War was Stalin’s opportunistic rise to power on death of Lenin in 1924. Undoubtedly, a single event that I could change would be the ability to delay the death of Lenin.  Noted historians and Russian policy experts admit that Stalin was not Lenin’s choice. Lenin was aware that rude negotiation and ruthless intention were the qualities of Stalin’s personality. He would have definitely blocked Stalin’s rise to power. However, Stalin went on take advantage of the situation that arose from Lenin’s death. He easily sidelined Trotsky and other senior members of the communist party. In first few years of his rule, Stalin systematically got his adversaries assassinated. Through the policy of â€Å"collectivization†of farms, Stalin inflicted deep scars of famine on the Russian people. Medium and large farms were forcibly acquired by the state in order form huge collective farms this led to steep drop in agricultural output. Since, the ideals of Soviet Union prevented from any import or export, millions of people died because of starvation. Within few years of coming to power, Stalin acquired the status of a totalitarian. In 1945, George Orwell crafted a wonderful satire that depicted the greed and corruption as the driving motives behind a dictatorial regime. (Orwell, George, 1945) USA and other allies of World War 2 soon realized that Stalin has built a fear of his personality to control and intimidate other members of the Soviet Union. Perhaps the most gruesome of his policies were to imprison millions of Russians and use them in labor camps for construction of roads and dams. Because of his policies, USSR and USA got embroiled into issues like Korea War and Vietnam War. Even though Stalin died in 1956, his policies continued to haunt the world for decades. Had Lenin survived a few hours and passed the command to a more humane leader, the world would have been considerably more prosperous and secure for the next fifty years. Bibliography Orwell, George. â€Å"Animal Farm†London. 1945
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Conceptions of women and the foreigner Essay
In the ancient Greek life, women’s role was always considered to be quite insignificant as compared to the role of the Greek men. However, in most tragedies women were the major and integral characters who revealed some insights on the way the women happened to be treated and also thought in the entire society. Medea is maybe the most complex and fascinating character when we look closely to the Greek’s drama. She is an immense and an ultimate mixture of villain, heroine as well as the victim as displayed in the play. She was married to Jason who was a Greek man who she had decided to follow from the foreign land. Her love was deep and when Jason decided to leave her in order to marry Creon’s daughter she was extremely furious (Euripides1907, lines. 1-24). From there we see her getting involved in some acts of revenge. Her acts of murder are the ultimate start of revenge towards her children and her ex-husband. Despite all this catastrophes, Medea is a character to sympathize with. She decided to give up all that she had because of her love for Jason. She betrayed her family and murdered her brother, she left her home because of the love she had for Jason to a foreign land and she became a mother to please his husband yet she had no any desire to have children (Euripides, 1907,line,248). Even after Jason had known of all the sacrifices that Medea had had for him, he still had to leave her for a Greek princess. Medea’s love was quite immense and Jason’s betrayal ended up damaging her mind completely and revenge became the only comfort that she had in her power. She ended up killing the Greek princess using the cleverest chess that was available and her children. Though Medea is portrayed as one of the most frightening characters, it is crucial to compare her ethical concerns and the scheming shallow hollows of her ex husband. Medea accompanies her Antigone as the most defining heroines in the ancient Greek drama. She ended up defying her main role as the helpless and happy housewife and refutes to accept betrayal without revenging. Medea decided to abandon all the gender roles in the ancient society of Greek. She defied some perceptions of gender through portraying both female and male tendencies. She decided to detach herself from all the womanly emotions and acted in a way that the society did not see appropriate for women. In the ancient Greek, murder was an issue that was never associated with the women though Medea in the play committed a series of murder including her own children (Euripides, 1907, 207-213). It is therefore imperative to analyze at length the concepts of women and the foreigners in the Greek tragedies basing the rationale as portrayed by Medea. In the play, Medea is portrayed as a foreign witch. She is treated irrationally throughout the play by various people at divergent times. She then changes her whole character and finally triumphs over Jason. She is feasibly seen as the mortal woman and Aristotle’s hero figure as well as the goddess. Women’s rights have been neglected throughout the play and women have no voice. Medea changes all that in her revenge against Jason and her own children. Foreigners and women were loathed and had no any place in the society and were not supposed to have any powerful position. It is a play portraying chauvinism, women treated unfairly and their work portrayed as only meant to bear children. Though to an extent we see the evil deeds of Medea, we also have a glimpse on the reasons behind her deeds. She is a foreigner and to the Greeks she will always be a Barbarian. Her acts make it even hard for her as she gets hated more. Even other women treat her suspiciously. Medea is portrayed as a foreigner in her land and in her own home who has no any common feature with the Corinth women. All she had was Jason and the children. Before she got married she was viewed as a princess and later became an outcast. Women and foreigners in the Greek tragedy were portrayed as disenfranchised, slaves and were unrepresented. The acts of Medea have contradicted the view of the society that the women are the main givers of life and that the men end up taking it away. It is quite unacceptable because of the fact she is the mother to the children. Killing a member of the family was usually frowned upon in the ancient Greece like it is done today. Medea has portrayed extreme pride which is usually stereotyped as one of the characteristic of the male species. She decided to sacrifice all that she had even her reputation in order to restore her own reputation (Sophocles, Euripides & Aeschylus, 2004). It has always been a common belief that the major weakness in a woman is the children but in this case this is not so. Her pride has prevailed other maternal instincts. Medea aims to seek vengeance in the same intense force to rectify a situation just like a man would. A woman who is seeking for revenge usually challenges the societal views of women as passive and weak. Medea is dwelling on self pity until she contrives to a scheme that will avenge how much she has been hurt. Wallowing is usually a quality that is attributed to the women in the society. Medea was so sad with her life after her marriage to Jason ended that she only wanted to die. The common opinion in the society is that the women usually use trickery and deceit in order to achieve their main goals in life. Medea in this case is not an exception as she persuades Creon to permit her to stay at least one day in Corinth as she pretends that she is preparing for exile while in the actual sense she was just planning on how she will carry out the murder acts to her enemies as well as children (Euripides1907, pp. 198). Medea in the entire play has defied the stereotypes of both female and male characters. She has shown some immense emotions portrayed by both sexes. At times she acts as an ultimate man and others as a woman. The Greeks had an immense suspicion when it came to foreigners and always thought of all of them to be barbarians. With Medea, Euripides has confronted this prejudice issue by deciding to honor foreigners with some roles of a tragic heroine and making her one of the most intelligent character in the entire play. The playwright has also confirmed numerous Greek stereotypes of the foreigners through making Medea overly passionate, wild and vengeful. Medea is a very powerful and tragic heroine who gets to achieve successful vengeance and ends up escaping with impunity. In some scenarios, she is portrayed to be a submissive and weak who commits no any crime (Paul, 2006, pp. 1321-4853). Allan (2003, pp. 143) asserts that beneath Medea’s personality there lies a credible, coherent and an effective character who portrays an immense sense of justice and whose humiliation and revenge drive her to go for the revenge. He also notes that Medea’s actions and plans were affected by her main status as a foreigner and a woman and not as a mortal avenger. Euripides in his play is fascinated by the acts of women as well as the contradictions that do exist in the Greek understanding of the term gender. His treatment of the women is so sophisticated. Medea’s starting speech to the chorus is the most rational and eloquent statement on the injustices that befall the women species. He recognizes that the major position of the female and their style of subordination to men are coming from the social order that prevails in Greece. Medea is not really a role model as far as feminist is concerned. Euripides has portrayed the difficulties that women went through. He portrays an image of a real woman who has suffered and has been twisted by her suffering. It is not a story on women liberation but rather it is a war that exists between sexes. The other key is a major theme. Medea’s foreignness has been emphasized from the beginning. In the very first opening lines, the nurse reminds us that Medea is from an exotic and a distant land. The foreignness aspect is portrayed as barbaric, exotic, fearful and unknown. The issue of exile has also been portrayed in the play. Modern readers and audiences have a great difficulty when trying to conceive on the concept of exile and how much it was horrible for the Greeks. Homes and cities were considered as the major source of protection. Wandering with no friends and shelter was seen as a great fate which was much horrible than death itself. Medea just for the sake of husband made herself to be the exile. She goes away from home, have no friends or family who can offer protection to her. The theme of exile has been linked with women’s position. In emphasizing some of the circumstances in which women have to bear after marriage like leaving their homes and staying with strangers. Medea reminds us of the worst conditions in exile. Her position is a grave situation since she is already an exile in reality and portrays the fact that all women in reality are exiles. She is a foreigner thus to all the Greeks she will always remain a barbarian. In the play the issue of cleverness and cunning is also evident. These traits though they ought to be admired cause a lot of suffering to Medea. Her intellect, force and strength exceed her station of operation. Though the Greeks to an extent have some respect for her, they are seen treating her smugly just because she is a woman and a foreigner. She is surrounded by some people who are less resourceful and less intelligent than her. She is despised because of her own talents that ought to have won her praise. Since she is a foreigner she therefore behaves without morality and any restraint. In the chorus, we see how much Medea is pitied but also it reveals that women ought to endure. We see Medea entering and delivering a monologue on the sufferings that women go through. Though women are creatures that can feel and think, they have to endure some indignities in the society. Men are meant to bear arms but women are supposed to bear children (Medea 214-224, 2006, pp. 115). The theme of women and their position has been emphasized in the play. To just allege that Euripides was a great feminist can only be a major oversimplification and anachronism. What is factual is that Euripides is fascinated by the difficulties and women’s position. Through examining the treatment that women are accorded, Euripides has also revealed some of the injustices in the society. He is savvy of how art has been wrongly used in defaming the character of women and how smart it has been used in recognizing that most fables and myths of the Greeks male dominated orders through teaching women on how to accept as well as enjoy subjugation. Medea who is a woman and a foreigner has portrayed numerous specifics of the life of Greeks that are universal in today’s society. A woman when she gets married ought to leave her home in order to join her own family. Therefore she is portrayed as an outsider. Women are not meant to socialize freely as men, while men can roam wildly and indulge with other women. Medea has made herself as the main spokesman on the suffering of women thus has secured the secrecy and loyalty of the main chorus. Foreigners were people who were disliked in Greek. In the play we see how much King Aeetes’s hated the foreigners. â€Å"A great anger filled King Aeete’s heart as he listened. He did not like foreigners, any more than Greeks did, he wanted them to keep away from his country, and he himself said to himself, â€Å"if these strangers had not eaten at my table I would kill them†(Jimmison, 2009). The image of Medea and the barbarian king was irrational, magic, frightening and issues to do with some supernatural powers had no any place in the Greek mythology. As a foreigner, Medea only expected suffering since this myth was created in the Greek image of a Barbarian woman. Medea has shown numerous heroic qualities that were uncommon among the Greek women. She is even willing to kill her brother just to be with Jason. In Greek, women murdering acts were quite rare and this is something that was not supposed to happen at al. To some extent, Medea is reacting to the inferior status of injustice that women were accorded. Central to the entire plot, is Medea’s foreign origins and how they are really related to her main actions. Generally women in the play have been portrayed as creatures with very few rights. As far as men were concerned, women were only supposed to cook and clean, do some house chores and bear children. They had no imperative votes like the right to own property, vote or choose their own husbands and they had to be presented in any legal proceedings that were taking place. They were just like slaves. Though some of Medea’s actions were untypical of what a Greek woman was supposed to possess, to some extent she also had emotions and attitudes of a common woman. She speaks against some of the women’s rights and how they have no any choice to whom they decide to get married to and men can get rid of a woman in order to get whatever they wanted (Euripides, 1907,pp. 231-247). In the play we see Medea portraying some emotional attitudes of a woman and a mother. She says, â€Å"Poor heart, let them go, have pity upon the children (Euripides, 1907,pp, 1057). Also in the play women are portrayed as faithful. Medea talks of how she helped her ex husband during his quest of the Golden Fleece and even helped him to escape to an extent of killing his own brother for him (Euripides, 1907,pp. 476-483). The fact that she decided to betray her family just to be with Jason shows her sense of loyalty. Though women and foreigners were portrayed as minorities with no say, the play also shows that they were resourceful and clever. Instead of using physical force in accomplishing her plans of revenge, she went ahead to use her mind instead. She asserts, â€Å"it is best to †¦ make away with them with poison†(Euripides, 1907,pp384-385). She poisons Jason’s wife as well as the King of Corinth though she poisons them indirectly. Medea’s act of murder against her own children is because of her barbarian origins. The major reason why Jason decided to let go of Medea and marry a princess is in order for her to have a higher status and material wealth through getting married to the king’s daughter (Euripides, 1907,pp553-554). It is lucid hence to note that Jason had a belief that Medea’s foreign origins were a burden and a distracter to him since there was a stigma that was related to that. Medea’s foreign status is also a major burden to her. Once they got separated, she became an outsider and had no any place to go since barbarians were never highly thought in the Greek society. If Medea was not a foreigner, then it is possible that Jason would not have divorced her. Medea is a play that portrays the real ancient Greeks and their attitudes towards the foreigners and women. Women were supposed to be seen and not heard and thus Medea surprises the Greek society since she goes against the norms. Women were supposed to bear children and take care of their husbands. The women’s rights were less considered and there was no way women could equal men. The foreigners had no any right and were also treated unfairly. It is a play revealing some of the heroic acts of women and what they had to go to get noticed in the society. Works Cited Allan, William. Euripides: Medea. 2002. London: Duckworth, pp. 143 Euripides. Medea. 1907. USA: Oxford University Press. Euripides, Sophocles & Aeschlus. Five Great Greek tragedies. USA: Courier Dover publications. 2004. Jimmison. The idea of foreigner in Euripide’s and Seneca’s Medea. Retrieved 11, July, 2010
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on OSI Model
1.) Compare the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP suite of protocols and state their differences. OSI divides telecommunication into seven layers. The layers are in two groups. The upper four layers are used whenever a message passes from or to a user. The lower three layers (up to the network layer) are used when any message passes through the host computer. Messages intended for this computer pass to the upper layers. Messages destined for some other host are not passed up to the upper layers but are forwarded to another host. The seven layers are: Layer 7: The application layer...This is the layer at which communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. (This layer is not the application itself, although some applications may perform application layer functions.) Layer 6: The presentation layer...This is a layer, usually part of an operating system, that converts incoming and outgoing data from one presentation format to another (for example, from a text stream into a popup window with the newly arrived text). Sometimes called the syntax layer. Layer 5: The session layer...This layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogs between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination. Layer 4: The transport layer...This layer manages the end-to-end control (for example, determining whether all packets have arrived) and error-checking. It ensures complete data transfer. Layer 3: The network layer...This layer handles the routing of the data (sending it in the right direction to the right destination on outgoing transmissions and receiving incoming transmissions at the packet level). The network layer does routing and forwarding. Layer 2: The data-link layer...This layer provides synchronization for the physical level and does bit-stuffin... Free Essays on OSI Model Free Essays on OSI Model 1.) Compare the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP suite of protocols and state their differences. OSI divides telecommunication into seven layers. The layers are in two groups. The upper four layers are used whenever a message passes from or to a user. The lower three layers (up to the network layer) are used when any message passes through the host computer. Messages intended for this computer pass to the upper layers. Messages destined for some other host are not passed up to the upper layers but are forwarded to another host. The seven layers are: Layer 7: The application layer...This is the layer at which communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. (This layer is not the application itself, although some applications may perform application layer functions.) Layer 6: The presentation layer...This is a layer, usually part of an operating system, that converts incoming and outgoing data from one presentation format to another (for example, from a text stream into a popup window with the newly arrived text). Sometimes called the syntax layer. Layer 5: The session layer...This layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogs between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination. Layer 4: The transport layer...This layer manages the end-to-end control (for example, determining whether all packets have arrived) and error-checking. It ensures complete data transfer. Layer 3: The network layer...This layer handles the routing of the data (sending it in the right direction to the right destination on outgoing transmissions and receiving incoming transmissions at the packet level). The network layer does routing and forwarding. Layer 2: The data-link layer...This layer provides synchronization for the physical level and does bit-stuffin...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Beowulf and 9-11 essays
Beowulf and 9-11 essays Parallels between Beowulf and the World Trade Center Tragedy Beowulf, the story of a single man who brings a super power to its knees is a story that is cliched many times in contemporary works. In the wake of the recent tragedy involving the World Trade Center I believe this epic takes on a whole new meaning. As previously stated this story of a single man by the name of Beowulf who has an unlimited amount of respect from his people and loyalty toward his country decides to attack an immovable super power by the name of Grendle. To parallel this to the recent tragedy I would associate Beowulf with Osama Bin Laden and Grendle with the United States of America. This comparison might offend many people but I believe that with much unbiased thought the connections are undeniable. First of all Grendle is a hated individual with an unprecedented amount of power, too much of the world mainly Arabic and Islamic nations this is exactly how the United States is perceived. At the beginning of this epic Grendle makes the first strike and attacks helpless civilians, much like what the United States did during their bombing raids of Arabic nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan and even during the Vietnam war an example of that would be the massacre at May Lai. Then came the coming of Beowulf a man who most likely unfamiliar to Grendle, Beowulf took Jute civilians and trained them to fight and not fear Grendle, much like how Osama Bin Laden trained and funded Arabic and Muslim civilians to fight and not fear the United States, also Osama bin Laden was a very obscure individual to many Americans before this weeks tragedy. During the battle between the two enemies, Beowulf mortally wounds Grendle and the beast crawls back to its lair to recover and to plan its next attac k. In relation to last weeks situation, Bin Laden wounded Americas economy and pride and as of late America has been plotting its next move against Bin laden and the Arab...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay.
Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay Most teachers do not make use of a very important aspect of writing essays and papers. And that aspect is that the student should ask him/herself questions as a pre-writing preparation. Asking these questions will ultimately result in a better piece of writing. So, here are questions you should ask yourself as you get ready to write any essay or paper. Topic You may have a general topic area but within that topic area, you will need to select a smaller sub-topic for your essay or paper. Here is what you need to ask yourself: What sub-topic will interest me the most? Check through your text and lecture notes for topic ideas, and pick one in which you have good interest. Writing an essay or paper on a topic you don’t like is like getting a root canal – painful, very painful! Is there enough information on the topic to fulfill the length requirement? If you need an 8-page paper on the Civil War, the Battle of Antietam will probably not cut it. Before you finalize your topic, check out what’s available for resource information. Thesis Statement Every essay or paper has to have a thesis statement. So, here is what you need to ask as you formulate that statement: Why is it important for the reader to know this? What is the main point I am trying to make? What is my opinion about this topics? Resources There may be a large number of potential resources to use, but they are not all created equal. By the time you are in college, you can dump the idea of using encyclopedias of any kind. They are not appropriate for the type of research expected of you. So, here are your questions? Is the author of this book or journal article considered an expert on this topic? Can I find and use primary resources on this topic? If I have to use only secondary resources, are these the most current and relevant? Choose your resources wisely – your professor will expect them to be of high quality. Organizing Your Information Before you make an outline for writing, ask yourself the following: Should the information or data be organized sequentially? In what order should the points I make be given? Most important to least important, or the other way around? After the Rough Draft is Finished You know you are not going to turn in the first draft of whatever you write. You have to review it and fix your errors – structural and grammatical. So, as you read through that draft, ask yourself the following: Do I have a logical flow of the points I am making? Do I have good transitional sentences between paragraphs and, for longer works, sections? Have I varied the length of my sentences? Does my introduction begin with something that will capture the reader’s attention right away? Have I stated my thesis in the introduction and made it very clear? Have I used spell and grammar checkers to catch errors? Asking the right questions gets you to a â€Å"better place†in your writing and, ultimately a better grade. If you have any concerns about your topic, resources, or the quality of your writing, send it over to some good custom writing services like for a full review and edit. It will be returned to you polished and ready to go!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
How the story of Cinderella has developed over time Essay
How the story of Cinderella has developed over time - Essay Example other literary tales, Cinderella came from an earlier oral tradition of stories that were recurring in different cultures around the world and they still show a lot of similarity even though the total known variants are more than seven hundred. There are different versions that have been made in to film at various points in time, and they include A Cinderella Story, which was a film that was directed Mark Rosman in 2004, Another Cinderella Story that was produced by Damon Santostefano in 2008 and Ever After: A Cinderella Story that was directed by Andy Tennant in 1999. Some versions that are in the form of books are The Rough Face Girl that was written by Rafe Martin and came out in 1992 as well as The Egyptian Cinderella, which was written by Shirley Climo. In all the versions of the Cinderella stories, the heroines are portrayed to be living in the middle to upper class societies and having loving fathers that are proper to their characters, birth as well as other traits but who ultimately leave or are forced out in one way or another. The heroines therefore, must prove themselves and participate in adventures or engage in work that will enable them to go back to the class and environment that they are familiar with. In the contemporary versions of the fairy tale the actresses that play the part are with no doubt beautiful, the attention is mainly drawn to the strength they possess, their knowledge as well as integrity as characters who are in charge of their own fates. The main difference that exists between the Cinderella tales that exist in the contemporary times and the cultural Cinderella is that they are set in varying times but the similarities in the tales outweigh the differences. All the central characters have a distinct visual appeal to her that makes her unique and stand out. For instance in Another Cinderella Story, Mary has hair that is dark brown in color while the others have hair of a lighter shade. The Rough-Faced Girl on the other hand
Friday, October 18, 2019
Ethics in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Ethics in Management - Essay Example Decision making has been identified as one of the most valuable and crucial tools available to managers. The ability to make qualitative and productive decisions has been associated with successful management skills. Management is said to influence the organization’s ethical functioning by setting up priorities that lead to the ethical demeanor of the organization. Management must have the awareness and perception in making appropriate and precise ethical decisions. This can be achieved if decisions are based upon attaining goals and identifying the moral values of the organization. Managers also have to evaluate the effect of their ethical decisions on the vital interests of the business. The aim of this research paper is to analyze and evaluate the ethical decisions made by managers inside the international hospitality industry. The paper further identifies the core ethical values that are agreed by managers. It also discusses the influence and impression of these ethical de cisions on the various interests of the international hospitality industry. There is a strong relationship between management and ethics because this enables the creation of organizations where responsibility, integrity, honesty, and good governance are generated. Managers are geared towards achieving the goals of the organization through a process of dynamic and revolutionary concepts (Yeung 253, 2004). Responsible organizations can employ qualitative decisions that take into consideration the impact of their decisions. If these decisions are based on ethics than the various interests of the organization will also prosper. The local community will be empowered to have improved standards of living. The environment will be safeguarded by the practice of friendly policies and procedures. The international hospitality industry is faced with a number of issues that strongly determine their image and
Overcrowding or Race Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Overcrowding or Race - Research Paper Example Most groups of humans have probably identified themselves always as distinctive from other groups; understanding of such difference is not always possible naturally, globally and immutably (Jenny 140). These features are the feature distinguishing how the race concept utilization occurs today. The term ‘race’ usage is to define any ethnic group traditionally. The major races in the world occur in three divisions into three, the Mongoloid, the Caucasoid and the Negroid. These races are determined by physical traits, but at times it may be difficult to tell whether the traits different is both environmental and hereditary (Miguel 24). Attributes such as color of the skin modification can be substantial by the environmental factors. The determinant can be indefinite or definite. In indefinite color of the skin and hair, hair texture and the eye color can determine the race of a person. In a definite situation, the structure of the head and the nose, stature, blood group, pe rimeter of the chest, length of hands and legs are the factors that are responsible in the racial description (Miguel 24). These race groups are further divide into more groups such as the Indians, Africans, Asians, Arabs, Europeans, Chinese, Mexicans, Brazilians, Caucasians, African Americans and Americans (Derrick 61). Differences in characteristics physically amongst the individuals belonging to different races are confused often with differences in behavior and culture. When the usage of the word race is to combines a set of features that are unrelated. They include physical characteristics, religion, language, behavioral patterns and cultural traditions, which distinguish a given person from the others (Derrick 62). Furthermore, there is an implicit invariable value judgment in this given sense of this term. Some races are said to be naturally and superior inherently to the others races. This is the wrong view. There is no connection necessary between languages, race, nationali ty and culture and racial features are determined largely by biological and genetic factors whereas language and culture are learnt, transmitted and acquired via education and training. Race prejudice is basing on irrational premises and force (Miguel 25). Socially race is defining a vast group of people who are loosely bounding together by contingent that is historical, socially significant elements of their ancestry or morphology. Race must be put into understanding as the Sui Generis phenomenon socially in which the systems contested of the meaning serve as the connections between races, physical features, and characteristics that are personal (Derrick 63). In other words, social meanings connect our souls to our faces. Race is neither an illusion nor essence, but rather an ongoing, self-reinforcing process subject to the forces macro of social, political struggle and contradiction and the micro effects of decisions that are daily (Miguel 26). Reference terms like white or black. A population of people has many characteristics genetically. If a few population members move to a region that is isolated such as an island, the new group of people will have a smaller and a different set of characteristics genetically than that of the population entire (Miguel 26). As a result, later generations living on the island will have different traits than from the original population. Actually, the process genetics are more complicated than an illustration that is this simple. For
Proper oils, proposals to improve in all the segments of their company Essay
Proper oils, proposals to improve in all the segments of their company - Essay Example Key Words Biodiesel, Cooking oil. Introduction A SWOT analysis of the company reveals crucial points regarding the company’s market position. The following is the detailed SWOT analysis. Strengths The company has increased in size which means stronger bargaining power over supplies. The company has employed a strong marketing campaign. The company has a motivated team that comprise of 6 people. The team provides reliable and professional service to the company. The company has also adopted a new database system that will be used to manage customer data. The company has also set to increase awareness through redesigning the company with brand and more involvement in the social media. This will create recognition for the company and its products (Kerin 2012).The company has also made liaison with a local company. This will facilitate exchange of ideas between the two companies. The company has set to increase the fleet of vehicles and hence improve delivery of raw materials and products to the market. Opportunities The world consumption of biodiesel is growing and hence this presents a perfect investment opportunity. According to a world report, this growth has been driven by government mandates, tax incentives and the need for energy independence (Fredrick 2012). Cooking oil consumption is also high. The new database system is set to significantly increase the number of customers. Redesigning and branding is set to win back old customers and improve services. The company is relatively new in the market hence it still have potential for growth as it is yet to maximize production. The company can be able to increase productivity through use of new vehicles. The company has the potential to grow through making acquisitions. Weaknesses The company has placed more focus on production of cooking oil at the expense of biodiesel. If the cooking oil products does not bring in the expected revenue the company may face financial difficulties. Brand failure is also a potential weakness for the company. For example, biodiesel produced by the company does not attract a profitable margin. Increase in price of the raw material is also a major challenge facing the company. The company is currently spending a lot on caterers for oil. Loss of customers is also a weakness for the company. There is lack of a reward system. This may make customers feel less valued (Subramanian & Sanjoy 2003). Security is also a major challenge. Threats Competition from other companies has been identified as a major threat facing the company. The local supply of biodiesel in the European market has tremendously grown. The industry is already suffering from overproduction (Thurmond 2008). There is lack of adequate finances to expand production and carry out promotions. The market for cooking fat is saturated by other brands from rival companies. Low margins from biodiesel sales are also a major threat facing the company. Production is also limited to the available used coo king oil that can be collected. A series of failed advertising attempts has also been a major threat. The company’s current situation may not be termed as severe. However, certain issues are eminent from the above analysis which may negatively affect the performance of the company. Key among these issues is the lack of a proper advertising mechanism that could see the company gain more customers. There is little communication between the customers and the company. This may not be effective in retaining customers and creating loyalty. The company is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example In order to achieve these competencies we are discussing the various aspects of warehouse space utilization and layout plans. There are several plans of layout, which has been discussed, and each has its own advantages and drawbacks. If the warehouses are used efficiently and effectively, it improves the effectiveness of whole supply chain. As we know that we are moving through communication revolution, better use of information and communication technology improves the warehouse operations management. While discussing the case study of Seven-Eleven Japan we observed that how use of information and communication technologies have improved the warehousing operations of the organization as a whole and have the potential to proved benefit to the customers. Through use of information and communication technology, objectives of the warehouse manager to provide goods and services to its customers timely and efficiently will be fulfilled. We had also evaluated the traditional and modern inv entory management practices and found that modern practices like JIT have outnumbered the traditional inventory management systems like re-order or economic order quantity on various parameters. Storage is the 1. Warehouse space and layout: Storage is the physical hording of inventories awaiting transport to customers. The current emphasis is on the movement of inventories. According to Layson (2000), there are a number of important issues to be considered: Acknowledgement that reducing ware housing and storage costs is essential; Automated stores and computerized system make it possible to better manage these facilities; Trade-off between higher customer service levels, low inventory and low operating costs need to be balanced; Changes in business practices through the implementation of just-in-time (JIT) and Kanban concepts; Better logistics systems; Time-compression, reducing time consumed in business processes, Elimination of non-value-added time. In the process of warehouse layouts and space, organizations primarily focus on The space required and cost for each category of stock, Whether to centralize or decentralize the stores Physical characteristics of the stores at each location e.g. size, weight, shape, perishable, hazardous Flows of material and handling equipment required Goods received into store, quantities, volumes, frequencies, packing, delivery vehicles, handling requirements, documentation and inspection Foods outwards-quantities, volumes, frequencies packing, delivery vehicles, handling requirements, documenting & packaging; Inventory policies e.g. JIT buffer sticks, stock pilling Security, safety, administrative system, and personnel. To fulfill these above-mentioned conditions, warehouse space and layout planning must have following objectives in mind: Utilizing space efficiently within the building cube Create rapid and easy access to stock and stock movements Achieve efficient and balanced traffic flows Mechanized and automated stores operations
Restructuring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Restructuring - Essay Example One of the essential steps the business should be prepared to take is to restructure. A need to restructure will not only come from financial problems, but it could be because of competition, change in market trends and demand, new market or need for a merger (Wang, 2010; Business Wales, 2014). Although this might be the only way out for a business to regain its competitive value, a poorly done restructuring process can end up causing more damage to the company than good. It is for this reason that planning is key for any business to be successful through the restricting process for example Starbucks and Twitter. The key steps that these companies took involved a diagnosis of their status, plan on the steps to take, and finally implemented the change (Bush, 2014). The important lesson in the case of Starbucks and Twitter is to understand when it is time to restructure and to have a well-prepared plan to carry out the process. Business Wales. (2014, February 5). Reorganisations, restructuring and other major changes. Retrieved from Business Wales:
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example In order to achieve these competencies we are discussing the various aspects of warehouse space utilization and layout plans. There are several plans of layout, which has been discussed, and each has its own advantages and drawbacks. If the warehouses are used efficiently and effectively, it improves the effectiveness of whole supply chain. As we know that we are moving through communication revolution, better use of information and communication technology improves the warehouse operations management. While discussing the case study of Seven-Eleven Japan we observed that how use of information and communication technologies have improved the warehousing operations of the organization as a whole and have the potential to proved benefit to the customers. Through use of information and communication technology, objectives of the warehouse manager to provide goods and services to its customers timely and efficiently will be fulfilled. We had also evaluated the traditional and modern inv entory management practices and found that modern practices like JIT have outnumbered the traditional inventory management systems like re-order or economic order quantity on various parameters. Storage is the 1. Warehouse space and layout: Storage is the physical hording of inventories awaiting transport to customers. The current emphasis is on the movement of inventories. According to Layson (2000), there are a number of important issues to be considered: Acknowledgement that reducing ware housing and storage costs is essential; Automated stores and computerized system make it possible to better manage these facilities; Trade-off between higher customer service levels, low inventory and low operating costs need to be balanced; Changes in business practices through the implementation of just-in-time (JIT) and Kanban concepts; Better logistics systems; Time-compression, reducing time consumed in business processes, Elimination of non-value-added time. In the process of warehouse layouts and space, organizations primarily focus on The space required and cost for each category of stock, Whether to centralize or decentralize the stores Physical characteristics of the stores at each location e.g. size, weight, shape, perishable, hazardous Flows of material and handling equipment required Goods received into store, quantities, volumes, frequencies, packing, delivery vehicles, handling requirements, documentation and inspection Foods outwards-quantities, volumes, frequencies packing, delivery vehicles, handling requirements, documenting & packaging; Inventory policies e.g. JIT buffer sticks, stock pilling Security, safety, administrative system, and personnel. To fulfill these above-mentioned conditions, warehouse space and layout planning must have following objectives in mind: Utilizing space efficiently within the building cube Create rapid and easy access to stock and stock movements Achieve efficient and balanced traffic flows Mechanized and automated stores operations
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Li Ning Company Limited Organizational Background and Audit Assignment
Li Ning Company Limited Organizational Background and Audit - Assignment Example Li Ning has its headquarters in Beijing, the Chinese capital. According to its website, Li Ning has extensive presence in the entire country. It has reportedly a reliable network of retailers and manufacturers for its supply chain, and a host of franchise owners distributing the products. Li Ning, therefore, is well-entrenched throughout the country, and has probably perfected the art of marketing and selling which have made the company successful in all its current businesses. The company started operations in 1989, the same year LI-NING was registered as a trademark. Since then, it has sponsored numerous sports delegations of China to various national and international events, where the sponsored teams brandished their Li Ning sportswear. In 1993, the company started franchising its business operations, a strategic move that helped it reach its target market in distant areas and remote provinces, thereby helping the company established its foothold in the country’s huge market for footwear and sports-related products. Li Ning is a multi-faceted business operation that is pro-active and a leader in the industry. It has its own research and development center, and a design center established in 1998. It is a proud company to claim that it is the first sports business in China to have implemented an Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) system, a system which uses internet technology that integrates its supply chain with its internal operations.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Adopted Children Will Face Depression Problem Psychology Essay
Adopted Children Will Face Depression Problem Psychology Essay Adopted children have additional factors that affect their lives. They may have been in one or more foster placements before their adoption. They may have been in one or more foster placement in homes where other children already lived and who may have resented the intrusion of strangers into their own family and space. Each temporary placement brings a confusing array of conflicting values into the childs life. Some of these values studies have linked adoption to an increased risk of depression in adopted child. While reports are can be conflicting and confusing for adoptive parents and health care providers, there are some theories, symptoms, facts and treatment options to keep in mind when caring for or treating adopted children who may suffer from depression. They always thing themselves are no values in the world and so on. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. They may learn to love their adoptive parents, but struggle with the fact that their own birt h mothers gave them up. They might ask the adoptive parent. Why do you want me? Why didnt my birth mom want me? What is wrong with me? Worse, they might think these things, but not ask them. They sense that something is not right about their situation, and they dont know what to think or how to feel about it. It will affect their childhood memory. An extensive literature examining behavioral, diagnostic, and demographic characteristics of adopted children has provided several plausible explanations for the high rate of behavior problems among adopted children. They feel different from the adoptive family and struggle with a sense of loss, rejection, and even shame and embarrassment over their adoption. Even with these questions, they do not act out or cause major difficulties within their adoptive family or at school. I agree all the adopted children will face depression problem because they always look down themselves and embarrassment. They feel different from the adoptive family. Some adopted children are afraid to talk or ask questions about their birth family so they fantasize about the birth family instead. My life would be great if only I could live with my parents. They would love me and take me places and give me money and I wouldnt have to follow all these rules. I would be much happier back home. Many children fantasize about what their birth parents look like, what they do for a living, and how much they are missed. Life events frequently draw adopted children back to memories of the past. Birthdays, holidays, and important events are hard for these children. What is a time of celebration for others is often a sad reminder of loss or rejection for them. We celebrate the day of their birth; but they secretly mourn the loss of their parents. Children interpret life and experiences, whether or not we talk to them about it. Often we avoid discussing what we dont want to deal with, thinking that children will not think about it. An emotionally challenged child who is adopted might go through depression and withdrawal. In some cases, it can get so severe that intervention and treatment is necessary. The adopted parent must be patient with the child and try to communicate with the child as much as the child allows. Problems with self-identity are usually the case with adoptive chil dren. This is especially true of children who have been adopted from other countries. They go through culture shock and wondering where they fit in. Some might become insecure because of a language barrier. At school, these children might find it difficult to make friends. Adoptive parents should make every effort to embrace the childs culture as well as teach the child about the new culture and surroundings. Sometimes, if they want to buy some toys or whatever and their adopter parent are not but it let the adopted children felt not treat them like son. Adopted children may sad over the loss of a relationship with their birthparents and the loss of the cultural and family connections that would have existed with those parents. They always thing what reason their birthparents want to leave them. There are very trouble and feeling abandoned, and not good enough, coupled with specific hurt feelings over the birthmothers choice to reject the children. The feeling of not being wanted is another problem for them. I make the adopted children felt very disappointed and depression. If they have experienced abandonment, the adopted children will not trust their new parents until they get to know them. This might take a while for the adjustment to take place. By talking openly about the adoption, the adoptive parent will offer a reassurance of stability. Adopted children may also suffer from a loss of access to important medical or genetic birth family histories. So the adopted children will thing this problem until become depression. Adopted children may feel as though they are betraying their adoptive family and that they will hurt their adoptive family by expressing their desire to learn about their birth family. In a best case scenario, adopted children do not have to wonder how their adoptive family members feel about their interest in their birthparents because adoptive parents will have addressed these concerns directly in previous conversation. Even in such a best-case scenario, the emotions may still be somewhat painful or difficult. It is not obvious that an adoption has occurred when adopted children physically resemble their adoptive parents since people are unlikely to spontaneously ask about adoption issues. This type of attention can quickly become annoying and even hurtful if adoptive parents do not take steps to shut it down. Otherwise, it can cause many argument and tragedy. Sensitive adoptive children may also fall victim to teasing and bullying at school, where other children taunt them in an attempt to make them feel ashamed for being adopted. Not every adopted child will express an interest in his or her birth family history. Some children become aware that most adoptions occur when birthmothers judge themselves financially and emotionally unable to raise a given child, and come to feel that there isnt anything to gain by wondering about or seeking out their birth family. Such children prefer to just leave the adoption as a done deal and move on with who they are now, letting the past stay in the past. There is nothing wrong with adopted children who fail to show concern about their birth parents, and likewise, nothing wrong with adopted children who do show such interest. Both reactions are normal, if sometimes painful. In addition, the adoption issues of difference, impermanence, feelings of mutual obligation and fear of abandonment are generally poorly understood and form the basis for the development of unique interaction patterns of communication. I know many adoptive parents who are raising traumatized children. One thing that fascinates me is how infrequently I hear adoptive parents talking about dissociative disorders. I say this because, on message boards for adult survivors of childhood abuse, dissociative disorders are high on the list of areas in which adult survivors struggle. They developed their disorders as young children, and as adults, they struggle to find a way to heal from them. Almost all the adopted children are diagnosed depression, so I agree about that the children will face this problem. Conclusion Eventually, I felt very compassionately on the adopted children and find the way to solve the problem. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. They may learn to love their adoptive parents, but struggle with the fact that their own birth mothers gave them up. We try to overcome this problem and give them a happy childhood memory. Emotional and psychological problems are usually part of the reason why the child is placed in the adopted home. The adopted parent must be sensitive to a child that has experienced emotional and physical abuse. Working with a counselor or psychiatrist will help the child to make an easier transition to a new home and life. They always thing themselves are no values in the world and so on. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. So we give so confident them to overcome. In adolescence, the adopted child is likely to have an increased interest in his or her birth parents. This open curiosity is not unusual and d oes not mean that he or she is rejecting the adoptive parents. Some adolescents may wish to learn the identity of their birth parents. Adoptive parents can respond by letting the adolescent know it is okay to have such interest and questions, and when asked should give what information they have about the birth family with sensitivity and support. Children should learn of their adoption from the adoptive parents. This helps give the message that adoption is good and that the child can trust the parents. If the child first learns about the adoption intentionally or accidentally from someone other than parents, the child may feel anger and mistrust towards the parents, and may view the adoption as bad or shameful because it was kept a secret. Question 2 Introduction Nowadays, teenager like to abuse drug, glue addiction, and cigarettes. Beside that, a new addiction is emerging and known as computer game addiction. This phenomenon is a quite new one and because of that not much of a real research or studying has been done on this subject, so it hard to tell when your computer usage has gone too far.  A heavy user of computer games should be aware on how much time he spends in front of the computer and think about the choices he have, one way is to just sit in front of the computer playing games and let time pass by. Computer game addiction can be on both good and bad sides. Its a quite rare thought but game addiction got some advantages. And I can take this statement because Ive seen what it has done to people, I have a friend who was taking drugs, he was never home and he didnt care shit about the school. Teenagers only focus in computer and not mind on his studying. Either way, the teenager is living out a fantas y life. The internet and computer is often an escape from reality for teenagers who feel they do not fit in with the real world. Either in chat rooms or with games, the teenager can be whomever they choose to be. All it takes is a click of the mouse and they are in their fantasy world living out their dream life, either in the form of a hero in a game to being somebody they are not in a chat room. Otherwise, teenagers also explore the porn website to download some movie and pornography. It is unfortunate that for a minority of teenagers, role playing of this kind turns into a full-on addiction. Computer game addiction among teens is very often the cause of family arguments because the teen will forgo social and family events preferring to use their computer instead. Very often an internet addict will stay up all night playing games or using a chat room. In the worst cases, teens will quit school or college favoring their computer game addiction. Symptoms of computer game addiction c an include mood changes, they can become withdrawn, bursts of anger and a huge impact on their social relationships. Answer Computer games are most popular among teenagers. Thus, too many teenagers are only playing computer game and abandon their academic. Computer games excel at getting people addicted. Although a young person can develop an addiction to almost any video game, the most problematic gaming genre is that of massively multiplayer online role playing games, the most famous of which is World of Warcraft. When a person falls prey to the temptation of letting this game turn from a hobby into an obsession, it is very easy for teenagers to develop a true psychological addiction to the game. World of Warcraft are virtual brain candy, designed to keep users addicted by adding endless amounts of content. A mundane task as grinding gold can be extremely addicting to the average user, simply because of the reward system that is in place. Otherwise, online gaming is seriously because many teenagers play online game everyday. Researchers have found that a survey of 1500 teenagers indicated 25% were compulsive video gamers. Fifty per cent of those surveyed used the word addiction to describe a friends gaming behaviors. Because excitement becomes the reward for playing and because the games are set up to reinforce behavior intermittently, they are extremely habit-forming, and even potentially addicting. Psychologists think that video games are addicting because they provide many basic psychological needs to the users. Online video games offer rewards, virtual freedom, and often a connection with people. Addiction to computer games can be caused by psychological problems such as antisocial personality disorder, depression, and social phobia. Users want a way to escape from their reality, and video games provide the perfect escape. Because of their widespread use, many studies provide data on the short and long-term effects of regularly playing computer games. Some studies conclude there is a link between playing violent video games and tendencies towards violent behavior. Increasingly, the social element to playing computer games affects how teenagers interact with peers. Playing computer games has also been shown to improve problem-solving skills and increase adeptness at using technology overall. But an addictive aspect too many games suggest that playing in moderation is critical. The short term effect of computer addiction are the most prominent being that violent games change the way gamers interpret and respond to aggressive acts. Even those who arent predisposed to aggression respond with increased hostility after playing a violent video game. The game becomes whats called a situational variable which changes the perception of and reaction to aggressive behavior. Long-term effects of violent video games are still uncertain and are fiercely debated. No long-term studies have been conducted to date, so there are only hypotheses. Anderson and Bushman theorized that excessive exposure to violent video games causes the formation of aggressive beliefs and attitudes, while also desensitizing gamers to violent behaviors. Though long-term effects havent been clinically documented, one need only look at the way video game violence has progressively increased over the past two decades to get a sense of potential long-term effects. Parents would be wise to monitor the amount of time their kids spend gaming and watch closely for any negative effects. Many teens can play video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors, teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming that they neglect their family, friends, work, and school. They were excitedly playing a computer game they had just downloaded. This father felt lucky to overhear his son, disturbing as it was. He was able to steer the boys to non-violent games, more appropriate for their age and more in alignment with the familys values. Additionally, if a child or teenager sits in front of a game all day and night, there is no physical activity involved, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. Internet computer addiction among teens is very often the cause of family arguments because the teen will forgo social and family events preferring to use their computer instead. Very often an internet addict will stay up all night playing games. In many ways, teen computer game addictions have remarkably similar symptoms to any other form of compulsive or addictive behavior. Whether it is drinking, gambling, gaming or drug abuse, all activities that encourage compulsive behavior exploit the pa rt of the brain that is responsible for delivering rewards for our actions. The internet and computer is often an escape from reality for teenagers who feel they do not fit in with the real world. Either in chat rooms or with games, the teenager can be whomever they choose to be. All it takes is a click of the mouse and they are in their fantasy world living out their dream life, either in the form of a hero in a game to being somebody they are not in a chat room. Conclusion At the end, I felt a parent of a teenager suffering from internet and computer addiction should act upon it as soon as they see the symptoms by trying to limit the amount of hours the teenager spends on the computer. To prevent internet computer addiction among teens is somewhat a challenge. Encouraging the child to take up other pastimes or hobbies can in most cases turn their attention away from the computer. An organization specifically set up to combat internet computer addiction among teens, and has helped many thousands of teens and indeed, people of all ages, with their computer and internet addiction. State governments have attempted to regulate access to age-inappropriate content. We must organize some specifically camp motivation to set up combat internet computer addiction among teens, and has helped many thousands of teens and indeed, people of all ages, with their computer and internet addiction. Identifying triggers involved in Internet addiction is another area where p sychological counseling is important. Such triggers are the thoughts and feelings that precede the teens use of the Internet. Training in social skills development or communications is also recommended, as many teens that have become addicted to the Internet are socially withdrawn and lack the ability to communicate easily with others on a face-to-face basis. One point that is also common to other types of addictions holds true for Internet addiction as well. Left untreated, Internet addiction can consume more and more of your teens time and energy, physical and emotional consequences may ensue, and relationships, grades, job and career opportunities may suffer.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Abortion: Where Has Morality Gone? :: abortion argumentative persuasive argument
Joan Didion's essay, "On Morality," poses the question, "What is 'right' and what is 'wrong,' what is 'good' and what 'evil'?" (182). In today's society, often times many people do not even consider this question before taking action. Morality has become a gray area in which morality can scarcely be defined. For instance, Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines morality as "the quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct." However, everyone has a different opinion of right and wrong. This difference of opinion on what is moral causes many disputes such as in the topic of abortion. Some people believe it is a woman's prerogative to choose whether or not to have a child, while still many others believe it is "morally" wrong. On the other hand, there are moderates who disagree with the idea or the morality of abortion, but agree that there are certain circumstances that should give the woman the option. Since abortion is essentially th e killing of an unborn child, why are women who abort not convicted as murderers; just as women who kill their children face such charges? Morality should be a standard at all times and abortion should be no exception. In fact, abortion is destroying the life of a child; therefore, it should be considered morally wrong, except when extenuating circumstances leave no other choice for the woman. While deciding whether to be pro-life or pro-choice, many people consider the moral aspect of abortion and its consequences. On the pro-choice side, a woman should have the right to choose whether or not she wants to give birth. The argument is that it is her body and she is the one who will have the responsibility of caring for that child. The problem, however, with this argument is that it does not take into consideration whether abortion is right or wrong, and it does not deal with the morality of the issue. However, the arguments of the pro-life side may be more correct simply because they make a moral judgment. In Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, abortion is defined as the "termination of a pregnancy often accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of an embryo or fetus.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Poem Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Essay -- Poetry, Poem, Jamaica Kincai
The poem "Girl" by author Jamaica Kincaid shows love and family togetherness by creating microcosmic images of the way mothers raise their children in order to survive. Upon closer examination, the reader sees that the text is a string of images in Westerner Caribbean family practices. Jamaica Kincaid has taken common advice that daughters are constantly hearing from their mothers and tied them into a series of commands that a mother uses to prevent her daughter from turning into "the slut that she is so bent on becoming" (380). But they are more than commands; the phrases are a mother's way of ensuring that her daughter has the tools that she needs to survive as an adult. The fact that the mother takes the time to train the daughter in the proper ways for a lady to act in their time is indicative of their family love. The fact that there are so many rules and moral principles that are being passed to the daughter indicates that mother and daughter spend a lot of time together. The reader gets the impression that the advice that the mother gives her daughter has been passed down from many generations of women. The advice of the ages has enabled their daughters to endure hardships and to avoid making the same mistakes that they had made, such as planting okra far from the house because it attracts red ants. There were some women in the past that learned this lesson the hard way, and included it in the litany of advice for future generations. But "Girl" also shows the hostility and family dissension that the females suffer. The world of the women is not comprised solely of setting the table for tea or determining which day to wash the white clothes or the colored clothes; there is a darker side to their lives. The mot... ...ably performed tasks such as washing laundry on a rock, ironing her family's clothes, or cooking pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil. When I first read "Girl" I was amazed at how much work young women had to do in early 1900's. We can definitely say that the role of women has changed over the years in the United States. We do not have to do so many grueling tasks to get through our everyday life. Today, mothers teach their daughters to be more independent. Women in third world countries do not have the luxuries we do. They still have many rules that hold them back from being their own person. Works Cited Jones, Gertrude. Personal Interview. April 15, 2006. Paul. Ephesians 5:22-23. Life Application Study Bible. Jamaica Kincaid. Vanessa Pupello. Fall 1997. Emory University. April 15, 2006.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Teen Drinking
Teen drinking is a serious problem and each year the statistics go higher and higher and more and more teens are drinking. This is a safety issue for teens are not old enough to know how to control their drinking. In an article I read called, â€Å"let my teenager drink†, written by T. R. Reid, suggests that it’s okay to let our teens drink. On the opposed side, Author Joseph A. Califano writes in his article that it is not okay to allow teens to drink. Reid does make some good points in his article.He believes that it is safer for our teens to be allowed to drink. He brought up binge drinking and how bad it is for teens. He says, â€Å"the only reason for this binge drinking is because teens are not allowed to drink so they do it secretly, most often in unsafe places like a car, or a house where adult supervision is not present†(REID). Reid claims that if we let our teens legally drink then teens can be safer and be able to drink throughout the evening instead o f getting drunk in the short amount of time they have before a social event.He believes teenagers are going to drink no matter what law is put in place, and that we should all just allow teens to legally drink. Author and current president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Joseph A. Califano suggests the first article is a dangerous opinion to go by. He lists straight facts on this specific issue like, â€Å"in 2001 the Justice Department released an analysis comparing drinking rates in Europe and the United States.The conclusion: American tenth graders are less likely to use and abuse alcohol that the people of the same age in almost all European countries†(CALIFANO). Califano also said how Reid was wrong about the binge drinking, since British fifteen year olds are more than twice as likely to binge drink as those of American teens. He also lists the dangers of teen drinking. Califano says it can seriously damage the growth proc ess of the brain, and how teen drinking can lead to poor school performance.My opinion on this issue is teens should not be allowed to drink yet. I believe the drinking age should stay at twenty one. That is when a person is mature and developed enough to drink alcohol. There is a good reason why there are age limits on things. Rules and laws are made for good reasons, to keep us safe. I would not want to live in a country where there were no age limits on drinking, for I believe we Americans would get dumber than we already are.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Differnce Between Online and Physical Shopping
Introduction Online shopping or online retailing is a form of electronic commerce whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without an intermediary service. An online shop, eshop, e-store, Internet shop, webshop, webstore, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping centre As we know that online shopping is the easy way shopping but also there are certain advantages as well as disadvantages.To overcome the technological challenges as well as global challenges most of the business organizations are running towards ecommerce or e-business. For the shopping of the two items I choose malla emporium and muncha. com to buy Saree and amazon. com and GS electronics to buy watch. While going to shopping I was unknown that what kind of saree to buy so I went in muncha. com for online shopping of saree . There I got different types of saree which can fulfill my requir ement. So I choose chiffon saree with blouse set. After then I moved to malla emporium for shopping of same that type of saree.There they show almost all kind of saree but I couldn’t find the saree like that which I got in muncha. It was so difficult to select saree and quality of it and while selecting there is a loss of time also but while doing by online it was easy and less time consuming. Another good that I would like to buy was watch. For watch I went to amazon. com which is a much known online business site. When I moved to amazon. com I was confused that which kind of watch I should buy. So I search watch at first then I saw titan watch which I like very much so I select that.To buy watch I went to GS electronics where there is showroom of watch. There I looked for the same watch but it was too difficult. I got titan watch but I couldn’t get the same one and the price rate was so different. 2. Shopping Comparison between Online and Physically In this world hum an being always prefer change. And by keeping in view this thing, there is another drastic change we see in shopping. Now a day we saw two types of shopping. The first is done by physically and the second is done by online. Attributes of shopping modes CharacteristicsAttributes Physical Shopping Online Shopping Information/Gathering ShoppingTravel cost- When I go to malla emporium for shopping there is a requirement of travel cost. No travel cost- While I do shopping through ebay, travel cost is not required. I can get a service in one click. Travel time- In the physically shopping we’ve to reach upto that store so there is loss of time. No travel time- As we do shopping by online then we can do shopping by one click in our home itself so time will be saved. More shopping fun- person have different view point.So while doing shopping physically we can enjoy. Less shopping fun- Online shopping is done by one click staying at a place so it’s not so fun. Less information c ertainity- That’s not sure that every shopkeeper tells the truth about the product so we cannot get full information about the product. More information certainity- We can get the real information that we want about the products in online shopping. Purchase/ TransactionHigher Purchase Price- When we do shopping by physically we’ve to charge high price because there is hidden cost like rental, inventory, labor cost.Lower purchase price- Online shopping help us to get a services in a reasonable price then physically shopping. Less distrust feelings caused by transactions. More distrust feelings caused by transactions. Transactions are mostly made by cash but in some place there are used of visa, debit cards. Transactions only occurred through master cards, credit cards, visa, debit card. Delivery timeNo delivery time- We can get the services by hand to hand so no delivery time is required.Delivery time- While doing shopping through online there is requirement of time for delivering of goods to us. Less inconvenience caused by delivery. More inconvenience caused by delivery. 3. Conclusion/ Recommendation Based on the project leading individuals to reallocate their time and money resources, this study examined the time and cost attributes of shopping modes, and explored the tradeoff between these two attributes, i. e. , the value of time, by assuming that consumers were faced with a shopping mode choice between physical store shopping and e-shopping.The final estimated value of time include two types: the value of travel time to shopping places, physical stores as far as this study concerned, and the value of waiting time for the delivery of purchased products. Of course consumers’ concern toward e-shopping is not only about time and cost. Some psychological aspects, such as information uncertainty and transaction security, have been playing an important role in dominating consumers’ e-shopping behavior, and have been even more widely d iscussed in the literature.However, ecommerce continues to advance, in speed and security in particular, it is generally believed that online information will be to a great extent improving both in quantity and quality in the near future. By that time, consumers’ negative perceptions towards e-shopping, such as information uncertainty and transaction security, may fade away. If this is going to be true, then consumers’ psychological concern over e-shopping may gradually be disappearing in the future. On the other hand, the economic concern over the travel problem; i. . , travel time and travel cost, about physical store shopping, and product delivery problem about e-shopping will ever exist. This makes the value of travel time is more costly then the value of delivery time, this study estimates worth noting. Moreover, this study also found that purchasing online to save travel time and travel cost, which is worth more for avoiding a shopping trip can be very inviting t o consumers, even though it is at the cost of waiting for a delivery of purchased products, which is worth an average monetary value.While delivering goods there arises problem. Delivery charge differs according to the goods. First, the value of product delivery time seems to highly depend on the types of products consumers shop and purchase. After all, waiting for a delivery of saree may take more time which I need for the especial party and also while delivering watch also takes time which I had to gift for the birthday f my brother.But also this delivery time is reduce by this online business sites according to the products. According to this project I come to know that online shopping is better for shopping rather than physically shopping because there is saving of time, money and we can get the more information about the products and services which we don’t get from the physically shopping. In the case of security there is strict rules and regulations which help us to ge t the product safely.
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